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Managing Orders

The location of ordered products in your WordPress dashboard will vary based on your integration choice (WooCommerce store or simple page via shortcodes).

Option 1: Orders made with WooCommerce

If you use WooCommerce the ordered product can be viewed going to WooCommerce -> Orders -> select the order you want to see and click on "Load in Order Viewer" in the Item panel.

Option 2: Orders made via Shortcode

If you embedded the Product Designer in Posts or Pages using shortcodes the ordered product can be viewed going to Fancy Product Designer -> Shortcode Orders and click on the order you like to view. 

Export Options

Basic Export

In the Export panel you can export all or single views of a Fancy Product as PDF, PNG (72DPI), JPEG (72DPI) or SVG.

Please note that the fonts are only embedded in the Pro Export.

Pro Export

If you want to create print-ready files, you need to upgrade to one of our Genius plans

Export of single elements

If you want to export single elements such as an image you can easily select it in the "Manage Layers" dialog or by clicking on it in the product stage. Afterwards you can export it in different image formats.

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