Add input fields for all text elements directly to your product page.
In Shopify, the new Theme 2.0 system allows easy and deep integration of the Fancy Product Designer into the Product Page. This article with show how to set up the text layer panel like this:
You can find a live example of this product in our demo store.
Adding external modules to the detail section of your product is great for simplifying the interaction with the product designer. It works especially great for designs and images but also for the text layers modules, which allow the user to edit every text element directly on the product page.
Create a custom Product Template.
Open the "customize" view of your theme in Shopify and create a new Product Template. You can find more information here if you are unfamiliar with the Shopify Theme customize.
But always feel free to contact us for help.
In the new Product Template, you can add a Fancy App Block called "Fancy Upload Zone."
Select the "Fancy External Module" block from the app block menu. This allows you to add different modules. These are typical Fancy Product Designer functions, like adding an image to the product details section.
In the drop-down menu, select Text Layers. This module shows all text elements of the product (that the customer can edit). Changing the font style, size, or color is also possible.
You must assign the new product template to the products you want to use it with. You can edit a Product in Shopify and change the product template in the bottom right corner.
Now you should see all the text elements in the product on the page and have input fields for them. No worries if you feel the style doesn't perfectly match your theme. This is just HTML and CSS. You can ask your web designer to adjust it.
If you have trouble setting up the text layer module, please don't hesitate to contact our support.