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Relevant data in MySQL database

Fancy Product Designer is storing all data (customizable products, categories etc.) in own tables in the MySQL database. All these tables are starting with the prefix fpd_.

fpd_categoriesFPD Product Categories
fpd_category_products_relThe linked products to a category.
fpd_ordersOrders made with shortcode. No WooCommerce orders!
fpd_productsFPD products
fpd_templatesFPD templates
fpd_viewsFPD product views


When an order is made with WooCommerce, the relevant order data of FPD is stored in a field with the key _fpd_data in the woocommerce_order_itemmeta table.

User Account

When you enable the option "Account Product Storage" for the Save action, the customized product will be saved in a field meta_key and starts with fpd_saved_product in the usermeta table.

Deleting all database tables to start from scratch

If you want to delete all database tables that are created by the plugin when deactivating the plugin, you need to uncomment one line of code.

  1. Open class-install.php in the inc folder of the plugin.
  2. Go to line 16, looks like that:
    //register_deactivation_hook( FPD_PLUGIN_ROOT_PHP, array( &$this,'deactive_plugin' ) );
  3. Remove the first two trailing slashes to uncomment the line, so it looks like this:
     register_deactivation_hook( FPD_PLUGIN_ROOT_PHP, array( &$this,'deactive_plugin' ) );
  4. Save the php file.
Now when you deactivate the plugin, all your created Fancy Products etc. will be deleted.

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