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Send the print file to a webhook for automation (Zapier Demo)

A webhook is a method for one application to provide real-time information to another application via a simple HTTP callback.

You have the option to input a webhook URL in the Pro Export settings.

Upon creation of an order, the print file will be transmitted as JSON to this webhook, accompanied by the respective order and item IDs. This facilitates the possibility of additional automation of the print file to any cloud provider.

The JSON object looks like this:

"url": "the_url_of_print_file",
"order_id": 1,
"item_id": 1

Zapier Integration

Zapier is a robust automation solution that is well-suited for this purpose. In order to use webhooks in zapier a paid plan is required in Zapier.

If you want to find out how you can use webhooks with zapier, please visit that page.

Here is a demonstration of some steps in a zap, that catches the data sent to the webhook and uploads the print file to Google Drive.

Add Webhook Action

First you need to add the "Webhook by zapier" action as step in your zap.

You may locate the Webhook URL in the Test tab, which can be entered into the Pro Export settings.

Fetch Test Data

Now you can already receive some test data. Just create a test order in WooCommerce and you should see the incoming data object in the Test tab.

Process Print File

After receiving some test data, the magic can begin. You have the ability to process the print file from the URL entry to any other cloud provider, such as Google Drive. Simply add "Google Drive" as a step and connect your Google Drive account.

Within the Action tab, you have the option to designate the specific folder in which you would like to save your print file. In the File field, it is necessary to select the URL property. As for the Filename field, you are able to personalize the name of the file, and even utilize the order id and order item id. Here is an example:

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