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Server Requirements for Our Plugin

To ensure optimal performance, your server should meet the following criteria:

  • Web Server Compatibility: Works with both nginx and Apache servers.
  • PHP Version: Requires PHP 6.0 or higher.
  • PHP Memory Limit: Must be set to at least 256MB.
  • PHP Post Max Size: A minimum of 64MB.
  • Required PHP Extensions:
    • Imagick library (for certain features).
    • ZipArchive (required).

Skills Required to Use Our Plugin

To successfully use our plugin, you should have the following skills:

  • English Proficiency: All documentation and support are provided in English.
  • WordPress Knowledge: Basic understanding of how WordPress functions.
  • WooCommerce Expertise: If you plan to use our plugin with WooCommerce, familiarity with the WooCommerce system is essential.
  • Image Format Knowledge: A foundational understanding of image formats like Bitmap (PNG, JPG) and SVG is beneficial.
  • CSS Basics: If you wish to modify the interface or layout and can't find direct options, a basic grasp of CSS will be helpful.

If you don't meet these requirements, we recommend hiring a professional web developer or FPD expert for assistance with setting up the product designer. We won’t provide support for these basic requirements and will refer you to them if necessary.

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