Handpicked Google fonts for PRO export Modified on: Mon, 16 Oct, 2023 at 10:17 AM Find a handpicked list of Google fonts that work well with the Product Builder and the print-ready export.FontExampleProduct BuilderPrint-Ready ExportJosefin SansJosefin Sans PBJosefin Sans PREK2DK2D PBK2D PREKodchasanKodchasan PBKodchasan PRELatoLato PBLato PREMaliMali PBMali PREMontserratMontserrat PBMontserrat PREPoppinsPoppins PBPoppins PRERobotoRoboto PBRoboto PRERoboto MonoRoboto PBRoboto Mono PREUbuntuUbuntu PBUbuntu PRE