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Create your own Fancy Product

You have understood how to create a fancy product from a template and how to link it with one of your shop products. Now you want to start creating your own products so that your customers can personalize them.

The process is similar to template creation. Switch to the “Products” tab and click on “New”. Insert the title you want to give your first fancy product and click “Ok”. If you want, you can hover over the thumbnail to insert an image of the product you want to create to make it easier to find it in the list afterward: 

After your first product is created, you have to create the views of it in order to have something to show in the designer. You decide how many views you want to create, that depends on the structure of your product. To create the first view, click the “+” on the right:

After setting up the view with a name, you can start to actually build this view of the product and thereby the product. On the right-hand side, click “Edit view in Product Builder”:

Let’s say, you want to create a custom notebook. We are in the Product Builder that will now show an empty canvas that we want to fill. We start creating the notebook by uploading an image of that notebook as the first layer:

Now the canvas shows the first (and lowest) layer, the notebook:

Of course, your customers should be able to put an image, text, or something else on that notebook. 

To enable that, you can create an upload zone on that notebook as an additional layer. To add, click on “Upload Zone” and then upload a placeholder for this upload zone into the gallery. Select it and position it on the notebook image in the canvas afterward.

Alternatively, you can create a text box on that notebook as an additional layer. To add, click on “Text Box” and choose the placeholder text. Select and position it on the notebook image in the canvas afterward.

You will add layers depending on the structure of your product. The leftmost layer is the lowest, the rightmost layer is the highest.

Under “View Options” you can define the area of the product that should be printed (the area that holds the customization) if you have a professional or premium subscription. You have to set the measurements of this printing box to exactly define the printing area:

More options, also for the basic plan, can be found under “View options”. Additionally, there are other options in the right area of the canvas (they appear after clicking on one layer at the top). We have specific articles for these, i.e. text options, color options, or bounding boxes.

Now that we have created our first own fancy product, we have to link it with one of the Shopify products in our shop to make the designer with the product available in the frontend. All you have to do is switch to the “Shop Products” tab and link this fancy product source to it. By clicking on the icon on the right, you can see your new product in action:

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