Designer Doesn't Load all Subcategories
in my use case I am going to create a great hierarchy of design categories. For example, I created a category "Emblem" with the subcategories "Ball Sport" and "Recreational Sport" (and many others).
However, the user can only see and select designer from the interim sub cagegory "Ball Sport":
This looks definitively like a bug. Can someone support or give me an introduction into the JS code (about 18k LOC...) so I can fix it on my own?
Thomas Kellermeier
PS: I saw the following thread but don't understand the reasoning why this should be intended.
Has there been any resolution to this?
I added a JS script to my theme which would catch the $ event and avoids this bug. In general, FPD triggers the element if there is only one which I just aborted. If you like, I can share my script with you.
Over the time, I enhanced my script with some more custom logic so you may not need everything. The basic logic is to catch the click if (arguments.length == 0 && this.hasClass('fpd-category')) and if there was already a click just before (or FPD tries to click everything at once so this.length > 1).
I also left my logic for showing a title in the view button in case you want to use it :)
var _oldClick = $;
var isCategoryClickBlocked = false;
var fpdTopDesigns = (window.fpdDesignsJSON || []).map(function (x) {
return x.title;
// Overwrite the JQuery click event to inject custom logic
$ = function () {
var clickedThis = this;
// If arguments exist, this call defines the click event and shouldn't be blocked
// Don't block a click on the uppermost design category, so we already start within this category
if (
arguments.length == 0 &&
this.hasClass("fpd-category") &&
fpdTopDesigns.every(function (x) {
return x != clickedThis.text();
) {
// After clicking the first design category, block further calls (FancyProductDesigner.js:11882)
// Also avoid a click event triggered on all visible categories at once
if (isCategoryClickBlocked || this.length > 1) {
"Block automatic click on design category",
} else {
isCategoryClickBlocked = true;
setTimeout(() => {
isCategoryClickBlocked = false;
}, 200);
const returnValue = _oldClick.apply(this, arguments);
return returnValue;
// Add a label on each view button with the text from the tooltip
$(document.body).on("productCreate", medOnViewCreated);
function medOnViewCreated(event, fpdViewInstance) {
const $designer = $(;
const $views = $designer.find(".fpd-views-selection .fpd-item");
$views.each(function (i, tooltip) {
if ($(tooltip).find(".fr-fpd-view-label").length) return;
'<span class="fr-fpd-view-label">' +
fpdViewInstance[i].title +
In some cases with expected a conflict with some other themes and the "Lazy Load" feature in our plugin. Just disable "Lazy Load" in the advanced settings of FPD.
@Thomas Kellermeier Thank You So Much!!!! this fixed my issue, even using DIVI theme - just stuck it in the theme options code section and automagic goodness!