Adding Fancy Products to Categories

Posted over 9 years ago by Meelad Yaqo

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Meelad Yaqo

Is anyone else having trouble assigning the fancy products to a category? I am able to assign the product to a category but it does not stay assigned when I go off the main fancy products designer page, is there something I'm missing?

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Adam Keen posted over 9 years ago Best Answer

yeah the plugins changed its method of creating fancy products to incorporate categories. Me personally I won't use the catergory feature as I don't want customers to be able to configure multiple products in the designer window however I can see why some people would, great feature its just a long way around for me now. However to answer your question you need to create a catergory on the right side of "fancy Products" section. Then click (highlight) the Fancy product on the left so its highlighted and so you can see the different views then tick the catergory on the right you wish to assign it to.

Then you need to go to the product/page you want to display it on and click "Fancy product designer" under the product data like the previous updates. Then it's under a different tab now called FPD intergration. Then select the category you assigned the fancy product to. Hope this helps :P

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Deleted Agent posted about 8 years ago

That's because this is a community forum, not actually the primary way of contacting support so we will not always answer here. Please open a ticket if you have issue you want us to have a look at.

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Ryan Adcock posted about 8 years ago

I too am experiencing this - great to see the support team replied to you... bet this thread is months old with still no word from support.

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Meelad Yaqo posted over 9 years ago

Thanks for the reply Adam. I did exactly what you said and it still didn't work, however with the new update all is working well. Thank you!

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Adam Keen posted over 9 years ago Answer

yeah the plugins changed its method of creating fancy products to incorporate categories. Me personally I won't use the catergory feature as I don't want customers to be able to configure multiple products in the designer window however I can see why some people would, great feature its just a long way around for me now. However to answer your question you need to create a catergory on the right side of "fancy Products" section. Then click (highlight) the Fancy product on the left so its highlighted and so you can see the different views then tick the catergory on the right you wish to assign it to.

Then you need to go to the product/page you want to display it on and click "Fancy product designer" under the product data like the previous updates. Then it's under a different tab now called FPD intergration. Then select the category you assigned the fancy product to. Hope this helps :P

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