Exclude Image from export

Posted over 9 years ago by Paddaman

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 Hi There,

Sorry for all the questions!

How would one exclude an layer from exporting / downloading (for example to exclude the t-shirt and only export the design?)

Thank you!

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Adam Keen posted over 9 years ago Best Answer

When customer orders, view order, in there you can view their FPD design, just hide the layer you don't want before exporting by changing opacity to 0.

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Jesus posted over 6 years ago

i have the same problem

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Adam Keen posted over 9 years ago

Is it a PNG file mate your trying to hide as it will only work with png files buddy. If your still having troubles mate I'll take some screenshots tomorrow. Just post back here if you want them mate.

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Paddaman posted over 9 years ago

Maybe I am doing something wrong, but for example that spesific image I need to take away, I cant adjust the opacity? I need  to delete the layer everytime


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Paddaman posted over 9 years ago

Awesome thank you for the work around :-) Will put as feature suggestion as well :-)


0 Votes


Adam Keen posted over 9 years ago Answer

When customer orders, view order, in there you can view their FPD design, just hide the layer you don't want before exporting by changing opacity to 0.

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