Shortcode for specfic product designer

Posted over 9 years ago by Krishna

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How do we show one specific product designer of T-shirt lets say to any page. I did try using [fpd] , but dint showing anything, moreover how to define only show t-shirt designer NOT business card designer with shortcode??


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Adam Keen posted over 9 years ago Best Answer

I don't think you can show specific products with the page shortcode I think that's the idea to be able to edit multiple different products in the same designer. However if your using woocommerce, create a product then enable fancy product designer in product data & then under the FPD intergration tab in the edit product page you will be able to add individual categories, so just business cards etc. you will need to do this for every product. As for the shortcode issue, you guys tried using the form shortcode with is incase it relys on the second shortcode to load? Think it's [fpd] [fpd_form *****] Try both the shortcodes on the description to see if that fixes it. Here's full details of shortcode

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Zac Evans posted about 9 years ago

Can anyone help me. Using Wordpress/Woo.

Seems simple, but can't make it work. 

1. I would like a page "Make Necklace". Configurator appears on that with a (responsive) light-color mannequin background. Price is $0. 

2. Two categories visitor can add from: "Chains" (10 of these with different prices) and "Charms" (60 of these with different prices). Visitor can add / remove / drag chains and charms. But I do NOT need different "views" of products, or resize/rotate chains or charms, or upload outside images, or add any text. Total price goes up-or-down as chains or charms added or removed from stage.

I've tried every pathway - starting from: 

WooCommerce Individual Products pages

Fancy Product Designer > Fancy Products

Fancy Product Designer > Product Builder

Fancy Product Designer > Fancy Designs (categories)

Fancy Product Designer > Settings

Custom CSS


. . . . but can't seem to achieve what seems like it should be simple scenario. I have all the relevant Products in the site in Woo. All the images. Newest version of Fancy Design. Can anyone give me a "Step 1 > Step 2 > Step 3"?? Very very much appreciated.

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Jessie Matanky posted over 9 years ago

I tried to follow this advice on a custom post type, and am unable to see the Fancy Product designer box. I can see it when I add it to a page, but not on my custom post type. Help?

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Adam Keen posted over 9 years ago

Ah I see what your saying now. Unfortunately this is not possible its just a preview version front-end. :( When the customer uploads a photo you can retrieve these files though, if your using the php loader. If this is something you would like implement I would suggest posting it in Featured Request so the developer can review it and decide whether to add :).


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Krishna posted over 9 years ago

 also this should be done with submssion rather than manual selecting and then export.

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Krishna posted over 9 years ago

Thank you for the reply but it seems you are referencing to ADMIN PANEL but i need to save image on front end section.
My concept is :
i) Use product designer without woocommerce on step 1.
ii) then Save newly designed image and get the path of it stored on the server and do front end submission, add this image as woocommerce product from front end.
So its like WooCommerce product front end submission, which allow user to upload its own images as product on the same website.
So i need to save image from front end seperately for FRONT and BACK.
Currently i'm not able to get the saved image also cant see its seperate images :(


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Adam Keen posted over 9 years ago

Hi Krishna, Am pleased you got that sorted. Yeah you can theres a "Current Showing" radio button to export whichever view you are previewing. Good luck with your website :)


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Krishna posted over 9 years ago

Thanks Adam :) it worked
Fortunately author also replied me same on the email with same solution but many thanks to you also.

Any idea if we cn save image on server seperately FRONT and BACK? currently it merge to one png?


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Adam Keen posted over 9 years ago

Hi Krishna,
You adding it to a description, check your in text mode for the description, not visual and add: 
[fpd][fpd_form button="order" name_placeholder="Please Enter your name" email_placeholder="Please Enter your email address"]

 Then on the right of the page you should see a Fancy Product designer box to define which categories you want to show. Regards,

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Krishna posted over 9 years ago

 Please also confirm if i use shortcode [fpd] it doesnt work and only show form with 2nd shortcode, any possible reason?

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Krishna posted over 9 years ago

Thank you for your reply, but i don't want to use WooCommerce or any other ecommerce plugin.
My requirements are to show product designer on a page and then simply send those images on email. Thats all
Is it possible without woocommerce? Please suggest.

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Paddaman posted over 9 years ago

But I agree with Krishna,

Would be nice to have different shortcodes for different products :-)


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Adam Keen posted over 9 years ago Answer

I don't think you can show specific products with the page shortcode I think that's the idea to be able to edit multiple different products in the same designer. However if your using woocommerce, create a product then enable fancy product designer in product data & then under the FPD intergration tab in the edit product page you will be able to add individual categories, so just business cards etc. you will need to do this for every product. As for the shortcode issue, you guys tried using the form shortcode with is incase it relys on the second shortcode to load? Think it's [fpd] [fpd_form *****] Try both the shortcodes on the description to see if that fixes it. Here's full details of shortcode

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Ronaldo Oliver posted over 9 years ago

Yeah, I have the same issue.


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