What theme is recommended to use with FPD ?

Posted over 9 years ago by Ronaldo Oliver

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Ronaldo Oliver


I'm using a free theme named Virtue Theme.

I installed the plugin and the Fancy Product Designer doesn't open on any page.

So, I have a feeling that the problem is the theme, or not?

And if it's not the theme, what should I do ?

What premium theme would recommended?

Any suggestion?


1 Votes

Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 9 years ago Admin Best Answer

I am using the X theme, but we are going to create an own theme with special features for FPD in the next months.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted about 9 years ago Admin

the problem here that I accidentally translate the string wrong to german. Actually it should be "Hook wurde gefunden". The green is also showing that everything is fine. I will fix this.

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Hendrik Sommer posted about 9 years ago

Hi Diana Schmitt, I had the same issue and nobody could help me.

I use the canvas Theme in combination with German Market.

The error message is total bullshit. I looked up every single hook in the template and they are all in the right place. (The error comes with the official storefront template too).

At first I couldnt get this message away (couldt close the window and with debug mode diabled the product designer didnt show up at all)

The Problem was: I set Fonts in the fancy settings. When I leave all the Font options blank everything works fine. But for the future I need a fix for that too, no idea why the plugin doesnt accept any font. 

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Megin Murphy posted over 9 years ago

I am using Virtrue (premium) and FPD works well except I recently submitted a ticket regarding an issue I'm having with browsing through the Design Categories. 





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Diana Schmitt posted over 9 years ago

Here the message... I would greatly appricate any and all help!!


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Diana Schmitt posted over 9 years ago

Hi Rafael,

I know you said you won't fix the issue with the hooks but since you have the X theme, and I just bought it because I thought it would be OK!
I have to admit it has issues with the missing hooks... can you please give me tips on how i can fix the hooks????



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René Fischer posted over 9 years ago

Hello, please note German Market Plugin (if possible) for the new theme.


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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 9 years ago Admin Answer

I am using the X theme, but we are going to create an own theme with special features for FPD in the next months.

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