Remove Placeholder Text on Click

Posted about 5 years ago by Marnus Wolvaardt

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Marnus Wolvaardt


Would it be possible to add a feature whereby users can click (desktop) or tap (mobile) once on a text field to clear the text and edit it?

This was already requested before: 

The site I'm building is focused more on mobile users and at the moment the UI to clear and update text is cumbersome. 

Please consider this for an update on a future release as I cannot launch my site without this. 



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Rafael D

Rafael D posted about 5 years ago Admin Best Answer

You can use the "Text Layers" module, there you will find a clear button for every text.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted about 5 years ago Admin Answer

You can use the "Text Layers" module, there you will find a clear button for every text.

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