
Design Options Modal as a Sidebar Tab

Hello Fancy Product Designer Team,

Following up on feedback from a recent customer, would it be possible to have the design options mod as a sidebar tab like it is in the UI composer?  My client informed me he found the floating option menu for text and design elements a bit intrusive because he had to click off the text to see what the design looked like. Since he wanted to test / view different fonts in the design he was creating, he had to click off and then back on a text element so he could view a new font. -- which made for a lot of clicking ^_^.

It would be awesome if we had the option to house the design options modal as sidebar tab or in the slide bar under the Text tab.  I hope this request makes sense.

Thanks so much,


  • You can display any module in a custom placement with shortcodes. You can find all shortcodes in the FPD Products page at the top/right corner.

  • Good Day Radykal,

    Thank you for your reply. However I don't think I was lucid with my ask. If you see the attached screenshot from the UI composer, there is a dock sidebar containing the options for the selected element.  

    The client and myself think it would be awesome if the options for an element be placed in a docked sidebar instead of floating contextual toolbar. All the clicking for the floating toolbar can be a bit daunting because of all the clicking on and off an element.

    I hope the screenshot makes the ask a bit more clear. Thank you.

  • I am sorry but we just changed this option because as we noticed, the majority of customers prefer it that way. 

  • Is there way to make this a preference or a option that can be set by each individual user? If the functionality is available on the backend, why can't a user be able to set this option on the frontend?

  • ah okay. You are talking about the frontend. In the UI Composer you can go to Layout and choose side Bar left or side bar right so the modules will never be on top of the design. You can also place the actions where you want to.

  •     "In the UI Composer you can go to Layout and choose side Bar left or side bar right so the modules"

    Yes that is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you so much!!!

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