Fancy product design image made by customer on packing slip

Posted almost 8 years ago by Richard

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I use fancy product design in combination with woocommerce and want the design images made by the customer on the packing slip.

Is this posible, if YES how?

When i look in the order details in woocommerce i can click on the button Load in Order viewer. The image that is shown is the one i would like to print on a packing slip for reference wich print needs te be shipped with wich order slip.

PS already asked this question in support of WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips at:

Maker of that plugin reffered me to this support forum. Hope someone can help me out here.

With Regards,


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Deleted Agent posted almost 8 years ago Best Answer

That is sort of difficult to answer, sorry. First: You'd need to create the images from the order via the order viewer, as there is no way of doing this automatically. That is unless the prouct only consists of uploaded images and the option save on server is active. In that case the images are stored here: \wordpress\wp-content\uploads\fancy_products_uploads\YEAR\MONTH\DAY.

If you need to generate the image using the order viewer, that image could then be uploaded to the server  and used in a "template action hooks or even an entirely custom template" as the WooCommerce support writes. As we have no experience with that I can't really help there, sorry. 

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daniel.fernandez posted over 4 years ago

Hi. I use this plugin and it is also a necessity to be able to add the image of the customized product in the invoices.


Could the option of being updated be considered?


Thank you.

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George Kepnick posted over 5 years ago

You can chime in on this request: think it is similar.

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Kodjo Kouwenhoven posted almost 8 years ago

Oh man, I’m in desperate need of the same! I guess it’s not that diffecult for a PHP programmer…

If you find a solution, please let us/me know!


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Deleted Agent posted almost 8 years ago Answer

That is sort of difficult to answer, sorry. First: You'd need to create the images from the order via the order viewer, as there is no way of doing this automatically. That is unless the prouct only consists of uploaded images and the option save on server is active. In that case the images are stored here: \wordpress\wp-content\uploads\fancy_products_uploads\YEAR\MONTH\DAY.

If you need to generate the image using the order viewer, that image could then be uploaded to the server  and used in a "template action hooks or even an entirely custom template" as the WooCommerce support writes. As we have no experience with that I can't really help there, sorry. 

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Richard posted almost 8 years ago

Please help me out with this question :-(

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