Basic item price

Posted over 8 years ago by Andrew Wilson

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Andrew Wilson


I have read through most of the documentation and I cannot find out how to add just a basic price for a product. The price sits under the product design window at 0.00 I don't want to charge for adding different elements, just one fee for the design but where do I add this? I am not using woocommerce, just the fancy product designer plugin.

Thanks - Andrew

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Deleted Agent posted over 8 years ago Best Answer

In the product builder, give one of the basic elements the price you want the product to cost. Leave all other prices at 0.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 8 years ago Admin

You also have to set a price for the woocommerce product. If you set it to 0, woocommerce will display the "free" label.

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Alexander posted over 8 years ago


I set price for basic elements. In page product price displayed right. But in page shop displayed as "Free" (Бесплатно!). In attach links.

Attachments (1)

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Deleted Agent posted over 8 years ago Answer

In the product builder, give one of the basic elements the price you want the product to cost. Leave all other prices at 0.

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