canvas with bleed option

Posted over 8 years ago by maffeaffe

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Hi, can I also create a canvas with bleed options? 

something like this?

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Deleted Agent posted over 8 years ago Best Answer

You can define a bounding box and enable clipping the element into it.

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Joakim Backhausen posted over 2 years ago

Hi Chris, did it work like you wanted it? :-) 

I also really need bleed lines, visible in the front end. Just like the printbox is visible. 
Something like the image i have attached.

If someone have a solotion, i would pay for it! 


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Chris posted about 5 years ago

thank you! :) 

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted about 5 years ago Admin

You can add a bleed in our print ready export feature. Therefore please see 

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Chris posted about 5 years ago

Hi, I'm wondering if this option has been solved? Can a client see the margin, cut and bleed lines?

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Captooori posted over 7 years ago

I agree, not sure how other FPD plugin owners cope with that? Bounding boxes assigned to all pictures make customers not able to add background picture. So it is not a solution and at the end of a day I cannot use bounding boxes. If not, customer will put pictures behind print line, because they do not see the line. I end up having each order corrected because of user's mistake. Safe line + Print line + Bleed line are so common in printing industry, they should be fully supported by plugin.

For me one of the solution would be to create removable PNG layer showing safe/print/bleedn line, layer would be also locked so customer can click on layers under it straight away. Unfortunately current layer management does not allow to create layer that is both removable and locked at the same time.

Maybe there is another solution already in place easier to be programmed or better for end user? Like, e.g. functionality for customer so he can turn on/turn off such PNG layer showing all three lines...

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Oktay Acikalin

Oktay Acikalin posted over 7 years ago

Same here. We also need a bleed line for our print media. We will do this using a special layer, which will not be exported via the PDF.

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Joao Figueiredo posted almost 8 years ago

Very sorry but this does not solve the issue. This only crops the visible design both for user and admin. This is a problem because there are always some physical issues that cause the images to end up some millimetre short or over. This is why showing the bleed line for the user is vital! This bleed line will show both the user and the admin (whom will print or send the print PDF to the printer) the error marginal for the print. Right now the only possibility for doing that is to create a new layer on the products builder and lock it. This would be a great thing to have in a future upgrade though...

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Deleted Agent posted over 8 years ago Answer

You can define a bounding box and enable clipping the element into it.

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