Product doesn't add to cart when adding too many Facebook images

Posted about 9 years ago by Marc Tschudi

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Marc Tschudi

Hello all -

I'm having a problem where if the user uploads too many images through Facebook, the add to cart button just resets the fancy product designer. I do not have this problem when the user uploads from their computer or only uses Facebook for a few images. Any advice?

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alexus posted about 9 years ago Best Answer

And maybe this can help you


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rufo net posted almost 9 years ago

having the same issue..

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Marc Tschudi posted about 9 years ago

It looks like he is on vacation for 3 weeks :(

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alexus posted about 9 years ago

I think you need to create a ticket. I think this problem should be resolved by him


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Marc Tschudi posted about 9 years ago

Sorry, that was the original comment I sent that got caught in the filter.

I tried disabling any plugins that might conflict and I adjust my php.ini settings but I'm still encountering the problem. I was having the same problem before with locally uploaded images when I had FPD set to "Filereader Uploader." When I switched to "PHP Uploader" it fixed the problem. I'm assuming that the Facebook method uses a Javascript method similar to "Filereader Uploader." Is there a Javascript specific settings regarding upload sizes that I could try increasing? Or something else, perhaps?

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alexus posted about 9 years ago Answer

And maybe this can help you


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Marc Tschudi posted about 9 years ago

Thanks for testing! I will try that now.

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alexus posted about 9 years ago

Ok i resolved my problem and tested with 14 images from facebook. All work fine, product was added to cart. Do you tryed to disable another plugins it can be conflict.


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alexus posted about 9 years ago

Its in my website


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alexus posted about 9 years ago

Cant test it now. I get error: "Not found" when try to add photo from facebook


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Marc Tschudi posted about 9 years ago

Thanks, alexus! I think my reply got caught in a filter. I don't know the exact number, but it seems to be between 10-14. The website is vibute dot com

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Marc Tschudi posted about 9 years ago

Thanks, alexus! There doesn't seem to be a specific number, but I think it's between 10 and 14. I have successfully added 12, but it is not consistent. The website is

Product with 12 images:

Product with 14 images:

Also, don't bother testing Instagram, it gives an error that I haven't figured out yet.

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alexus posted about 9 years ago

I can test it too. At which number problem appear?

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