fixed text colour

Posted about 9 years ago by Simon

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Is there any chance to set up fixed text colour and font, for example black colour only, so customer will have no option to change colour ? The same with font?

Also can you please let me know how to change colour of "customize button" on product page?
Thank you in advance

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Adam Keen posted about 9 years ago Best Answer

For the Customize button, use this CSS and paste it in the Fancy Product Designer>Settings


.fpd-blue-btn {
 background-color: #COLOURCODEHERE !important;

 Replace the colour code obviously though. The other questions you can set a default colour & set a default font which would apply to the product your offering. Lots of guides on the FPD homepage.

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Simon posted about 9 years ago

thank you


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Adam Keen posted about 9 years ago Answer

For the Customize button, use this CSS and paste it in the Fancy Product Designer>Settings


.fpd-blue-btn {
 background-color: #COLOURCODEHERE !important;

 Replace the colour code obviously though. The other questions you can set a default colour & set a default font which would apply to the product your offering. Lots of guides on the FPD homepage.

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