price on basis of zooming

Posted about 9 years ago by gagan saini

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gagan saini

hi there

is it possible to change the price of logo,text or image on the basis of height and width. if yes please explain it.


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alexus posted about 9 years ago Best Answer

Gagan this is forum of users of FPD. Developer of FPD make support by tickets. But you problem is related to customization or feature request.


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alexus posted about 9 years ago Answer

Gagan this is forum of users of FPD. Developer of FPD make support by tickets. But you problem is related to customization or feature request.


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Adam Keen posted about 9 years ago

I understand English very well... To answer your question again, no you cannot alter/change/amend price based on zooming in & out this will not be relative to print. If its about how big you want the design to be then as I said add a variation for print size for prices.

Let the customer design the product how they want it to look then ask them to select which size they want it printing, which will change the price based on the size they select. If you do not understand what am saying I suggest you seek help from someone with a design/web background for your website.

Out of interest what is the product you are wanting to sell.


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gagan saini posted about 9 years ago

yes i dont have great understanding of english

but why you talking that why. is this the procedure to provide support...

thanks for reply to me.

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alexus posted about 9 years ago

you dont understand english? Read Adam post.


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gagan saini posted about 9 years ago

how woo-commerce will handle the zooming

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alexus posted about 9 years ago

its not related to this plugin, its related to woocommerce


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gagan saini posted about 9 years ago

when its available for update

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alexus posted about 9 years ago

Agree! The best solution will be to add size of print to variations


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Adam Keen posted about 9 years ago

It's not possible #Gagan SainiJust let the client design it how they want then have a variation on your product page for print sizes that way you won't have your customer saying "I thought it was going to be bigger then that" and it leading to arguments do prices & sizes separately outside of the Fancy Product designer then your customer knows what size they getting & what they paying.


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