Editor moving layers after saving + frontend & backend editors not aligning

Posted about 9 years ago by Stephanie Kunder

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Stephanie Kunder

I recall someone else posting this about two weeks ago in the forums, but I can't find the thread.

It will behave like this 3-5 times before actually saving it correctly...


Even after I finally get it to save my adjustments, it's still doing this on the frontend...


Opened a ticket about this 2 weeks ago and was advised he was going on vacation. Upon his return I was told he doesn't have time to look at it and was going on vacation again.

2 Votes


Bryan Gray posted almost 9 years ago Best Answer

This is a truly annoying bug but I've found a workaround that at least lets me live with it. When a layer moves out of position after I save layers, I change the x or y position by 1 px and save again. This consistently moves the layer back to the proper position. That 1 px adjustment usually isn't important to my design but if it is I can change it back to the original position and when I save again it holds it's position.

Hoping the bug gets squashed soon but at least this workaround has allowed me to move forward toward completing my site.

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Stephanie Kunder posted almost 9 years ago

Unfortunately that doesn't fix this...

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Bryan Gray posted almost 9 years ago Answer

This is a truly annoying bug but I've found a workaround that at least lets me live with it. When a layer moves out of position after I save layers, I change the x or y position by 1 px and save again. This consistently moves the layer back to the proper position. That 1 px adjustment usually isn't important to my design but if it is I can change it back to the original position and when I save again it holds it's position.

Hoping the bug gets squashed soon but at least this workaround has allowed me to move forward toward completing my site.

0 Votes


Stephanie Kunder posted almost 9 years ago

Remains unresolved. Also found someone else with the same issue who posted on the comments of Code Canyon...

0 Votes


Stephanie Kunder posted almost 9 years ago

Still remains unresolved. I've had this plugin nearly a year and still don't have a functioning website due to all the bugs.

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