
Wordpress or Woocommerce?

 This Fancy Product Designer software looks Fantastic and I have read the reviews and the demo and it looks perfect for me.

I have already built a wordpress website for my band and have added a woocommerce shop with a few products. Which version of Fancy product designer should I buy? How easily does the wordpress version integrate with woocomerce?



  • Fellow user here - I would recommend the WooCommerce version since you already have a shop with products. In my experience, FPD integrates well with my existing products.

  • Thanks Jon


  • Judd, if you are out there, and are using FPD with your WooCommerce site/products, may I ask you a question about setting up products, templates, and categories. I am extremely frustrated and just not finding the answers I need. My web developer got this for us and knows nothing about how to set anything up. Thanks for you time. 

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