Disable Toolbox for certain views/Text Elements only?


we are currently implementing FPD for our new webshop and love how much we can do with it!

However, we are currently stumbling over one issue:

Our products are greetings cards with multiple pages/views where a customer can change text in different textboxes. For certain products, we do have a text box on the first page/view where only the text should be adjustable but not its style (font, size, positioning etc...). For the other text boxes on the later pages a customer should be able to choose the font, size, color, etc...

I have understood that one can enable or hide the toolbar for text elements in the UI setup, but that unfortunately seems to enable/hide it for the whole product.

Is it possible (maybe with some custom CSS) do disable the toolbar for a specific text element (or at least for a specific page/view)?

Any help here is highly appreciated. Thank you!

  • Does anyone know if this is possible at all? :-)

    Thanks and all the best

  • Unfortunately, it won't be possible. For further assistance, you can open a support ticket FPD's technical team can further assist you with that.


  •  Alright, Thank you!

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