
Hide Hex

I Use the color selection by [fpd_cs] shortcode and named the color in the color panel.

But it keeps showing the hex codes over de color thumbnail. 

Is there a way to hide the hex codes?




  • Hi Frits, 
    if you already named the colors in the color setting panel,
    If you are using Woocommerce, maybe give a try to these option in the FPD "Woocommerce" tab, checking the "NO"
    Otherwise, If these changes don't work, i don't see other way to hide hex in frontend than using css

  • Hi Olivia,


    I've tried checking the "NO" on both tabs but no result. 

    The data-hex codes are still showing on top of the palette.

    Do you know wich CSS to use?

  • You can give a try to 




  • but this will hide all the color elements, including the colored square.

    I think you can find the exact css class to hide using the code inspector in your browser

  • Just find your website, here is YOUR css code :


    span.fpd-item.fpd-tooltip:after {display:none}


  • Wow, works perfectly.

    Thanks a lot!

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