
software's capabilities

Dear FPD Team,

We are currently exploring options for product customization software and are interested in your solutions. I have a few specific questions regarding your software's capabilities:

  • Template Usage: Does your software allow the use of customizable templates for product designs?

  • Mandatory Customization Areas: Is it possible to designate certain areas of the design as mandatory for customization by the user?

  • File Hosting: Can the software be configured to host files on our own servers?

  • Adobe Fonts: Does your software support the integration and use of Adobe Fonts?

  • Proof Approval Management: Does your solution include a system for managing proof approvals (BAT)?

  • PDF/X-4 Format Support: Is there support for exporting designs in the PDF/X-4 format?

  • Accessible Code Option: Is there a plan or package available that would provide us with access to the software's code?

We would appreciate detailed information on these features, as they are critical to our decision-making process. If possible, please also provide any relevant documentation or case studies.

Thank you in advance for your assistance. We look forward to your response.

Best regards

  • Hello,

    - Yes, you can create a premade products in FPD builder and allow customers to customize it.

    - Using bounding box and upload zones you can specify the areas for customisations which you want to offer.

    - In FPD, the files related to your designs, such as images, fonts, and other assets, are typically hosted on your own server.

    - There is option that allows you to upload your custom fonts.

    - Yes, the FPD includes a Proof Approval Management system as part of its advanced features.

    - PDF exporting is possible.

    - You can open support ticket for this.

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