Logo only in one view, not in two

Hello, I'm getting desperate. I have a T-shirt with a front and back view. Only for the front view I have assigned a design category with 3 logos to choose from. If I go to the back view, the customer can still place the logos here. What am I doing wrong?

  • Hi @Eva,
    have you set the "disable design module" in the product builder > "View Options" of the back of your tee ?
    So your customers can't use it in this specific view ;)

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  • Yes, that's what I've done now as an emergency solution. But why does the view react at all if no design category is specified?
    What if there are different designs at the back than at the front?

  • Well, you must however specify in the "individual product settings" and in the product builder "upload zone srttings" the specific category you want for this product ;)

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