Designs names are not showing in the cart
I'm havig troubles trying to show the designs info in the cart.
Actually i'm using shopify, the template dawn version 13.0, I saw in settings - shopify - link assets to order but it may be not enough to show the info I need.
I read the designs need a sku value and i already have designs with the sku but it doesn't show.
Is there some extra command to add this info to the submit form so I can save a list of those data or is there a step I forgot? I'm using the default configuration.
I'm using javascript and liquid.
Thanks in advance.
I know in the cart info there are the url of the designs added to the product, I was wondering if there are extra options in woocommerce panel than in the shopify panel, since the answers in the topics seem to point at that.
Actually i'm using that cart info (the image list attached) to find the desings and show the info with the FPD.allDesings and it is showing the data, but i think i'm missing something here. For example, i read the sku of the designs were of use but in the actual cart info there is no extra sku attached, or the implementation of metafields but i understand the metafields i have to construct them, so i didn't.
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