
Remove QR code on image module


I want to remove the QR code function on the image module due to these 2 reasons:

1 . It is useles in my business. 

2. It doesn't work on my site ( error "syntaxerror: Unexpected token '<',")

I have lost a lot of time exploring all options to remove this and can't find that option.

Please, i ask the plugin developer about tell me how to disable that QR option 

Thank you. Regards

(114 KB)
  • why I have to send a ticket replying again if you already have my question posted here and it is as easy as reading and answering me?

    In addition, your answer will be public and other users who search will be able to find it easily, saving you the time and work of answering the same thing again to other users.

    I await your response.

    I will rate them 5 stars on envato if it is resolved satisfactorily.

    Thank you

  • Please use this CSS code in the FPD UI > Custom CSS

    .fpd-module-tabs [data-context="qr-code"] {
        display: none !important;

  • Thank you. Solved.

    I have just rated you with 5 stars on codecanyon

    I would be very grateful if you respond to me on this other topic.

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