
Posted 7 months ago by Arin

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Ich möchte bei kleinen Produkten automatisch den zoomlevel auf maximum stellen da er für die kunden auf der produktseite zu klein ist.

Kann man das mit eigenem css code im uidesigner setzen?

Vielen Dank für eure antwort.




I would like to automatically set the zoom level to maximum for small products because it is too small for the customers on the product page.

Can I set this with my own css code in the uidesigner?

Thank you very much for your answer

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FPD Helper

FPD Helper posted 7 months ago Best Answer

No, you can't do that, and keep one thing in mind directly modifying the plugin's CSS might not be sufficient for achieving this, as it may require scripting logic.

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Arin posted 7 months ago

So there is no way to set the zoom level for selected products directly to high in the product designer?

So that the customer doesn't have to do that?

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FPD Helper

FPD Helper posted 7 months ago Answer

No, you can't do that, and keep one thing in mind directly modifying the plugin's CSS might not be sufficient for achieving this, as it may require scripting logic.

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