Base Price per product, not per quantity

Posted 9 months ago by sibo

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Is it possible to have one flat fee per product type, not per number of products? I don't see it in the system.

My setup is as follows:

Shirt: $18

Digitization of the uploaded image: $25   (This is not per product)

Each imagelogo) Added per shirt: $20

So for example, If a customer orders 10 shirts, the only pay the digitization fee ($20) once. 

So their total would be:  ($18 x 10shirts ) + ($20 x 10 shirts) + $20

They only pay the digitization fee once, not 10 times.

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FPD Helper

FPD Helper posted 9 months ago

Please open a support ticket to get further assistance on this. Thanks 

Submit the ticket here:

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sibo posted 9 months ago

Thank you. Is this a feature that can be requested as a custom request from your developers? And how much would that be?

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FPD Helper

FPD Helper posted 9 months ago


The FPD doesn't inherently support a flat fee structure per product type. It typically calculates costs based on the number of products. 

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