Customized Product thumbnail not showing in New Order Email


When I tick this box in the Woocommerce settings for Fancy Product Designer:

Customized Product ThumbnaShow the thumbnail of the customized product in Account-Orders page and Order-Email.

The thumbnail is not showing in the email. All I see is a square where it should be! See image below.

Has anyone else had this problem and fixed it please?

The thumbnail shows fine on the website just not in the New order email.

Many thanks


  • This depends on your email client. It doesn't work for me in Microsoft Outlook either.

    But if I use the mail app on my smartphone, it works. It also works if I use the webmail access to my emails.

    See if you can use a different mail client. I have already written to support about this but only received an unsatisfactory answer.

  • If you are still facing the issue please open a support ticket

  • I have already been in contact with support regarding this issue. The support informed me that the email is displayed correctly on their end, and therefore they can't do anything for me, as the issue seems to be with my email client. Perhaps the support might be willing to help you a bit more.
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