Bug in TEXT LINK GROUP function in V6

Posted 10 months ago by Antoin v

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Antoin v

After updating from version 4.8.3 to 6.0.8, I unfortunately found a bug that caused me to go back to the old version 4.8.3.

If you create a “text link group” with large and small text elements, they will all have the same size. In the previous version I could set the scale for each text element by using the “Transfom” function. The elements with different “transform scales” in the same “text link group” are ignored in version 6. As a result, all dimensions are the same.

Even if you set different “font size to width” for text elements in the same “text link group”, these settings will also be ignored and the setting of the first custom text element will be applied everywhere.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted 8 months ago Admin

I just test it and for me it only happens, if you add "Fontsize" to the "Text Link Group Properties".

If you still have that issue without that property in that setting, please create a ticket and share your logn credentials.

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Maarten Schraven posted 8 months ago

I have the almost the same problem, i want all text the same font size but they never are and almost 2x the sizes

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FPD Helper

FPD Helper posted 10 months ago

Hello Atoin,

We appreciate that you have identified the bug. It's forwarded to the technical team and will be fixed in upcoming versions of the plugin. 


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