QR-Code not working

Posted 10 months ago by Popescu Alexandru Florin

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Popescu Alexandru Florin


I have a strange problem when I try to insert a qr code, it gives me the error: SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<',"

And it does not work.

With older versions of fpd this error does not appear.

Do you have any idea how I could solve it?


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Popescu Alexandru Florin posted 10 months ago Best Answer

Yes, I solved it by talking to the hosting operator, he disabled the mod_security rule for domains using this plugin.

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Popescu Alexandru Florin posted 10 months ago Answer

Yes, I solved it by talking to the hosting operator, he disabled the mod_security rule for domains using this plugin.

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Julian Fan posted 10 months ago

Was it issue resolved? I'm facing the same problem with the latest version of FPD.

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FPD Helper

FPD Helper posted 10 months ago

Hello Florin, 

The error message you're encountering, "SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<'," typically indicates a JavaScript parsing error where the code is trying to interpret a piece of HTML or XML as JavaScript. Please open a support ticket so that a technical support member can help you more on this issue.

Submit Ticket Here

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