How To Open Customizing Panel Full Screen

Posted 11 months ago by Manh Ta

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Manh Ta

Hello, I want to ask how to make this edit box appear in full screen like

I try edit css but it not working and it only show like image

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FPD Helper

FPD Helper posted 11 months ago Best Answer

Hello Manh Ta, 

You are doing it wrongly, You should try it making canvas the bigger from the FOOD Product Builder. Thanks

1 Votes


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Manh Ta posted 11 months ago

Im Done with this, thank you so much

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FPD Helper

FPD Helper posted 11 months ago Answer

Hello Manh Ta, 

You are doing it wrongly, You should try it making canvas the bigger from the FOOD Product Builder. Thanks

1 Votes


V.I. posted 11 months ago

Try to change canvas size from product builder

1 Votes

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