Customize product in canvas

Posted 11 months ago by Marc Fiebert

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Un Answered
Marc Fiebert

Hello everyone,

I have a canvas size of 600 x 600 pixels on my website.

Now I have created a bamboo coaster in the format 10 x 10 cm.

The print area is 9.5 x 9.5 cm.

Unfortunately, the supporter is only shown very small on the website afterwards. However, the export size is correct.

Can I set the canvas to resize the coaster image to the size of the canvas?

The problem is clearly visible on the screenshot.

Many thanks for the help!

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Marc Fiebert posted 11 months ago

I'm a little overwhelmed.

I set the pressure size to "Set Custom Size" "in 90 x 90mm, as you can see on the screenshot.

Now I place the coaster in the canvas. The pressure area is also set to 90 x 90mm. Now I have to scale the coaster until the pressure area fits. Something is wrong.

Actually, I just want the customer to upload his photo to the printing area, which only fits into the printing area and is directly adapted.

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V.I. posted 11 months ago

Set canvas size from view options and printing box size px from:

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Marc Fiebert posted 11 months ago


Where can I set that?

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FPD Helper

FPD Helper posted 11 months ago

Hello Marc Fiebert, 

You have to make the adjustments in the size of Canvas so that it can work fine for you. Also, make sure to adjust the elements and printing area for the product as well. 


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V.I. posted 11 months ago

Change canvas size, element size & printing box in px

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