Personalized Wall Clock

Posted 11 months ago by Radu

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I want to know if with this plugin we can create a product on woocommerce, a wall clock that can pe personalized, as I've seen on a website, that if I am not mistaken it's using your plugin.

Here is the website I've seen the custom feature:

Does a feature like this exist in the plugin, if yes, can I add somehow 24hours custom clock and not 12hours? Also if the images are not the ones that are on the website, for each uploaded image, will I be able to add a price to the base price?

Thank you.

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FPD Helper

FPD Helper posted 11 months ago Best Answer

Hello Radu, 

Yes, you can create a clock product using the Fancy Product Designer plugin. Fortunately, the link you shared also uses the FPD plugin to create such a product.  Thanks

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FPD Helper

FPD Helper posted 11 months ago Answer

Hello Radu, 

Yes, you can create a clock product using the Fancy Product Designer plugin. Fortunately, the link you shared also uses the FPD plugin to create such a product.  Thanks

2 Votes


Radu posted 11 months ago

Uau, nu ma asteptam de un raspuns in romana, insa iti multumesc foarte mult. 

1 Votes


V.I. posted 11 months ago

Da, poti crea. Este acelasi plugin. Atata timp cat gandesti totul in layere asa cum ai lucra in PS sau ilustrator, poti crea orice produs iti trece prin cap. Poti incerca sa creezi ce doresti folosind site-ul lor de demo: 

Este putin mai complicat pana inveti sa folosesti toate setarile. Dar poti crea aproape orice produs. Trebuie doar putina imaginatie.

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