woocommerce add to cart on mobile

Posted 12 months ago by Ivan Grozdanov

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Ivan Grozdanov


i have problems with FPD 4.8.3 in mobile view.

On Woocommrce single product page, at desktop view designer works fine and added to cart products are editable.

But if I switch to mobile view then after add to cart:

1.the customized product is added to cart without any modifications

2. the FPD can't load - there is endless circling

3. the product added to cart is impossible to edit

can anybody help me to fix that?

Thank You.

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Ivan Grozdanov posted 12 months ago


i fixed the problem.

The reason was that I put second add to cart button.

The first one was visible for desktop and the second at mobile only.

Using the second button in mobile view produces the problem.


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