Move licence to another domain

Posted about 1 year ago by Sergio Carmona

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Sergio Carmona

Can I move the purchased license to another domain, leaving the first one disabled?


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FPD Helper

FPD Helper posted about 1 year ago Best Answer

It's clearly mentioned that you can use it for one domain at once. In your case, you should be able to use it if you are moving to another domain. Still, if you face any issues you can reach out to the technical 

support team! Thanks 

Contact technical support member here:


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Sergio Carmona posted about 1 year ago

Thanks for the clarification, now it is perfectly explained.

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FPD Helper

FPD Helper posted about 1 year ago Answer

It's clearly mentioned that you can use it for one domain at once. In your case, you should be able to use it if you are moving to another domain. Still, if you face any issues you can reach out to the technical 

support team! Thanks 

Contact technical support member here:


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Sergio Carmona posted about 1 year ago

Your answer is not clarifying, is a license valid for a single domain or for a single domain name? If it is to a single domain then according to its answer it can be moved from one to another, if it is only for one domain name then it cannot be moved from one to another.

please clarify.


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FPD Helper

FPD Helper posted about 1 year ago

Hello Carmona,

One license can only be used with one domain. But please contact the support for further assistance. Thanks 

Create a new ticket:

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