Change displayed text color by different product-attributes & font-type linking
I'm setting up a shop with FPD currently, aiming for selling a special product.
It's available in 3 different colors (silver, black, rose). We are offering the possibility of 2 different engravements. So I added 2 text-fields in FPD. The user only has the possibility to enter the texts and chose a font.
Everything is working so far, but I'm searching for two possibilities:
- The real engravement-color is darkgray at the silver product. At the black product, the engravement is light-grey/white. Unfortunately if the user picks the black product via FPD, the texts at both textfield is unreadable due to dark-gray on black. Is it possible to change the color of the displayed text dynamically depending on the product-color (Attribute) the user choses?
- Like said above the user can enter 2 texts for the engravement. The font can be chosen by the user individually, but it should be the same font for both fields. Is there a possibility to link the font of both textfields? So if the user changes the font of one field, the other field gets the same font-type? Or only show one Font-Dropdown for all texts?
Thanks in advance for your assistance
Best regards Dave
Hello Dave,
1. It's an obvious thing that dark text will not be visible on the black view of the product. But if you have correctly set up the three different views (for 3 colors) of the product in the FPD builder and selected them in woo variations, then it should work fine, and even the color should remain white if the user selects the black view of the product.
2. There's an option to link text groups; it is helpful if you like to have repeated text in different places. Just keep in mind that the font family or size is not copied. Usually, it makes sense not to allow customers to change them for linked text. So, it’s not possible to get it to work as you mentioned.
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Hi Moeen Khan,

thanks a lot for your answers.
1. Okay I've created 3 different color-views in the FPD now. Where do i have to select them in "woo variations" ? If I open the setup for a product variation, I only could find the option, to switch to another product if this variation is selected. But I think thats not the right one, isn't it?