Fancy broken after 4.8.3 update.

Posted over 1 year ago by Oliver Pring

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Oliver Pring

We have just updated to 4.8.3 and the designer is broken. It doesn't appear on the site at all and it also doesn't load in order viewer. We have a lot of custom categories etc so we are concerned about a manual update. Is anyone else experiencing issues since the update?

Any thoughts on how we could possibly roll back?

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FPD Helper

FPD Helper posted over 1 year ago Best Answer

Hello Oliver Pring, 

You can use the WP Rollback Plugin to revert to a previous version of the FPD plugin. Thanks

0 Votes


FPD Helper

FPD Helper posted over 1 year ago Answer

Hello Oliver Pring, 

You can use the WP Rollback Plugin to revert to a previous version of the FPD plugin. Thanks

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