Using FPD with Etsy

Posted almost 2 years ago by Andrew

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We are looking at using FPD with an Etsy store and just hoping for some help.

We'd like a process like the following:

1. Customer places order via Etsy

2. They get an email with a link in it to a FPD page hosted in our Woodpress/Woocomerce site (order number could be passed via a unique URL or something similar)

3. They upload their image, personalise and submit and it emails us with the file(s) to print. 

We wouldn't want them to have to Add to Cart or complete any kind of check-out process at all.

Does anyone know if this is possible or something like this is possible?


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gryadn posted almost 2 years ago

Hello, possible I did the same flow you are looking for, you can contact me


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