Advice on Optimising FPD

I use a shared server hosting and have 2gb allocated ram. I notice that I often hit this ram limit. Processing power seem to be within limit. Can anyone advise how I can optimise the fancy product designer pages? I am interested in 3 aspects in particular. 

First, do optimisation plugins like WP Rocket work well with FPD? If so, are there any recommended settings to use? I have limited website building experience and thus I am tempted to leave the recommended settings on. However, I fear this may break my website or the designer.

Second, I have set the canvas for my products set to H: 1200px and W:1000px. I feel this is a bit of an overkill, especially on mobile. Would recreating the products on a smaller fpd canvas improve performance?

Third and last, should I look into upgrading the hosting services I use?

Any advice on the above would be appreciated.

  • It is important that the hosting configuration is high

    When planning your business, you need to calculate advertising and operating costs.

    Does the market need a new phone case seller?

    700px width suitable for desktop and mobile

    good luck

  • Here are a few tips from me, with which the whole "Bloat" at the end user will not be so high:

    1. use few layers in the design if possible

    2. do without .png files whenever possible. Is often not possible but avoidable every now and then.

    3. create a design category "Empty". This is only important if you use design categories. Because all designs from the categories are ALWAYS loaded. Unless you add the empty design category "Empty" to the product.

    If you use "ready-made" designs, always select only the fonts in the product that are to be used in the design. This way not all fonts will be loaded.

    5. in relation to WP-Rocket and co.: ALWAYS test the usability in incognito mode. If you use JS exucluding bspw. with WP Rocket, the FPD often does not work.

    6. use max 700x700, or the long page max 700px.



  • Thank you both for your responses. This is some good advice.

  • Siteground hosting if you are using wordpress/woocommerce, best on the planet for optimization and speed of your site. Second place would be Fastcomet hosting. These both cater to wordpress/woocommerce, but will be better for any architecture you use. I don't know your website setup, but those are the best hosting I have had, in that order, since the 90's when the internet first came out. I will never use any other host. They are worth every dollar spent. The results I have had speak for themselves.

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