"Print-Ready Export" is not working
I'm beginner, but thank you.
"Print-Ready Export" is not working for a few days.
The warning "Remote file could not be created. Please try again!" is displayed.
Or, the export never ends. I can't export any PDF, PNG and JPG.
It seems that the Plugin and Server are not working.
What should I do?
"Basic Export" and "Single Element" are working.
Please check.
Please fix, keeps loading and nothing happens.
I just purchased and installed the Pro Export addon for a client and am receiving the same issue with the Print Ready file.
Hi, same problem now here.
I'm using the latest version 1.3.1 for Export Pro and 4.7.7 for FPD.
In the backend i'm receiving error 500 in the admin-ajax.php script (after loading 2min Creating file..). Is the remote server down?
Is it possible to process the export on my own server? My client can't handle any orders right now..
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Can anyone confirm that Pro Export is working? I need to buy the plug in but don't want to if it isn't being supported. Thanks
Hi, It's working ;-) There are some small bugs, but its working. I'm using it every day. There were problem becase there were update of Export Pro and it stop working until you update to newest version FPD plugin too.
It does not work for all orders.
it doesn't work for some products. Until a few days ago it was ok. it hasn't been working well for a few days. he is extremely frustrated
In our case, letters are simply left out.
As a PDF, everything is normal. When I put it into COrel Draw, letters are always missing.
Try a clean installation of wordpress and newest version of FPD plugin and Export Pro. In my case some errors was caused by another installed plugin... Some errors I have when I have the newest version of FPD but no of Export Pro. Maybe there can be problem....
Hi Guys,
Same issue here: "internal server error" when trying to download a print-ready file.
Reinstalling wordpress is not a solution.
It looks like for a certain product, if the customer is using the standard colour, it works fine. If the customer changes the colour, the export could not be done anymore.
No answer from the developer since months.
This is not ok.
Hi Guys,
How did you solve the issue? I am still facing it, no support from the development team :)
I've tried removing the limits, different other options, nothing worked.
Thank you!
It is absurd that they do not respond from support and solve this, it is disappointing me and all this. It is not normal that we have to help each other. I had this same problem. I have all the plugins, wordpress, theme updated with the last versions. One day the plugin stopped exporting the files. How did I fix it? after trying many things it occurred to me to empty the folders where the PRO EXPORT plugin stores the files on my server. then it worked again
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I have FPD 4.7.9 and Export Pro 1.3.1 and still getting 500 Internal Server error when trying to download a PDF after I modified the uploaded images slightly inside the order.