Not exporting text

Posted over 2 years ago by LITAL

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Hello everyone,

I have Fancy Product Designer version 4.7.4 

and Fancy Product Designer PRO Export version 1.2.7 in my wordpress + woocommerce website.

When I'm trying to export product design that have text to PNG/JPEG, the text not showing up

and if I'm trying to export to PDF, an error message pops :

SVGElemText: failed to open font "(Font name)" in PDFKit

How can I solve this problem?

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April posted over 1 year ago

I was having this issue as well. It turns out that only certain fonts work with the PDFkit:

I changed mine to use Roboto. The error is gone. I think when exporting to PDF the devs need to limit the font choices, so users don't run into this error.

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