Fancy Product Designer - Designs not working.

When creating a new category for Designs, nothing seems to happen.

I have tried deactivating each Plugin, but to no avail, this is the message I see every time I try to create a new category. "No categories created yet. Please create a category first!" is the only message that appears. No other action happens, I believe there is either some glitch going on or the Plugin is broken.

Plugins I have instaled :

Advanced noCaptcha & invisible Captcha,

Fancy Product Designer,
Fancy Product Designer Plus,
Fancy Product Designer Pricing,
WooCommerce Payments,

WooCommerce Shipping & Tax.
PHP Version: 8.1
WP Version: 5.8.2

  • the same issue, after update the personalize button not working and not showing, if I deactivate add to the cart shows.

    Not sure what is the issue.

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