Bulk variations using a variation with quantity

Posted over 2 years ago by Dani Garcia

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Dani Garcia

Hi, I would like to know if it is possible to configure de bulk variation plugin using a variation with quantity option, as the attached image.


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mahisai posted about 1 year ago

thanks for reply, do you use this bulk variations plugin if yes 

do you have any idea on this, by any chance

how to set the minimum required quantity to a variation to place the order

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Dani Garcia posted about 1 year ago

Hi, nop, sorry... 

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mahisai posted about 1 year ago

hii, did you got any solution for this

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Dani Garcia posted over 2 years ago

Hi, any comment about the question?? any fix done by users?? 

Are you going to add it to the plugin?

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