Woocommerce and Wordpress Role and capabilities codex compliance

Posted over 2 years ago by Darren McLean

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Darren McLean

1. Make Woocommerce Shop Manager the default minimum role for Fancy Product Designer order processing not full Administrator Role

Administrator role is too high for a Shop Manager role function.

Woocommerce Shop Manager role is the intended role for Order processing.

Employees who process orders cannot be given administrator role access. That's very bad practice.

But Fancy Design forces us to give full backend access to a junior, non technical, non Wordpress literate position. 

Or, all Fancy Product orders have to be managed by high level employees, with full Administrator role access.

2. Wordpress or Woocommerce Codex compliance.

Reallocating plugin capabilities by role is usually possible using a User Role Manager plugin, however the Fancy Designer plugin does not have any role management capabilities for the User Role Management plugin to enable. 

This that not only is Fancy Designer not properly set up for Woocommerce, it also means that it's not properly set up for management by standard Wordpress tools.

The above would every small dev to implement in the next release. But the benefits would very big to us.

Hope that helps.

3 Votes

Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 2 years ago Admin Best Answer

The FPD plugin has an own capability named "edit_fancy_product_desiger". This capability can be assigned to any other role than administrator. Therefore you need a role manager plugin. We are using Members plugin for that.

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GuilleF posted over 2 years ago


I had this problem, and the cause was that wordfence was blocking shop_managers to view fancy order details. Not any user rule

0 Votes


Sebastian Kocaj posted over 2 years ago

Hey Rady Kal,

nice will give it a try! Thank you so much!

0 Votes

Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 2 years ago Admin Answer

The FPD plugin has an own capability named "edit_fancy_product_desiger". This capability can be assigned to any other role than administrator. Therefore you need a role manager plugin. We are using Members plugin for that.

0 Votes


Daniel posted over 2 years ago

I support the idea as well. Would be a very useful feature. 

0 Votes


Sebastian Kocaj posted over 2 years ago

We need the same solutions. For our Print Department we need a Role that they can view the ordered designs and export the files so that they can print on demand.

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