Dynamic cart: thumbnails not showing

Posted almost 3 years ago by Andreas

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Dear all!

I have a problem with the dynamic mini cart from Elementor. It does not show the customized product image thumbnail. Have anyone had similar issues or know how to fix it?

Thank you all very much in advance.



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Managing posted 3 days ago

Nick Dunn, I did the same as you but I get this error when copying it into WPCode. Have any of you had this issue?

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Nick Dunn posted 8 months ago

I am experiencing the same issue and Andreas fix worked for me!  But to get around putting it in hard code and having to do this every time Elementor updates I added it as a code snippet using WP Code Snippet and added it as a PHP snippet and told it to insert everywhere on the frontend.  Just copy and paste the code from the file into the snippet box and save.

My images are now showing as expected!


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Brian Tetrault posted over 1 year ago

Wanted to update in case others are still struggling with this (as I was). Elementor Pro continues to update and I would continue to forget to update the mini-cart.php file direct. Bad practice anyway... @Jakob 's workaround to load the Elementor Pro mini-cart.php indeed works.

So here's what worked for me:

  1. Take @Andrea 's mini-cart.php fix and place in childtheme>woocommerce>cart
  2. Go to Elementor Settings>Integrations> WooCommerce and choose "Disable" next to "Mini Cart Template"

I had a weird thing happen that I thought this wasn't working but then realized a small nuance (could be an easy fix in Andrea's file perhaps?): if a product's "Catalog Visibility" is set to "Hidden", the thumbnail will still not show. Only once I made the product visible did the thumbnail update in the mini cart.

Hope this helps!

2 Votes


Jakob Sebov posted almost 2 years ago

Found a solution to replace the mini-cart.php in the Child Theme. This is what made it work.


 Elementor > Settings > Integrations - here you have to disable the cart in order for your template override to work

Look here for more information:


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Brian Tetrault posted almost 3 years ago

There must be a way to do it programmatically, but that's just beyond my skill set. I fear submitting tickets to FPD and/or Elementor would result in a never ending hand-off to the other developer....

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Alex Galassi posted almost 3 years ago

For reference, the Mini-Cart file can be located here:


This also worked for me. And I do want a better solution for this as well - its going to be a pain to update the file each time we need to update Elementor Pro. But either way, thank you Andreas for your help with this!

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Brian Tetrault posted almost 3 years ago

Initial testing, the new mini-cart.php file worked for me to show the customized thumbnail, so thanks!

However, it didn't work being placed in the child theme, I had to place it directly in the Elementor Pro plugin folder which is not ideal. Any ideas on a workaround for that so as to not break it each time it updates?

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Brian Tetrault posted almost 3 years ago

Sweet! Thanks for spending the time, I can't wait to try it out.

Off the top of your head, do you know if this can be placed in the child theme so as to not get wiped out every other day when Elementor updates (haha)?

Thanks again!

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Andreas posted almost 3 years ago

I actually managed to fix it, even though it took me 5 hours! See if replacing the Elementor Pro mini-cart.php with the one attached works out for you. Hopefully it can spare you or anyone else those 5 hours :-)



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Brian Tetrault posted almost 3 years ago

I have this same problem—I'm also using Elementor's mini cart.


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