Fancy product design parsererro

Posted about 3 years ago by Ray Mitchell

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Ray Mitchell

Hi just finding out if anyone is having this problem when a customer try’s to add an image to make a design it don’t let them add the image and says parsererro but still lets them add text

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gryadn posted about 3 years ago Best Answer

At the end of the name of the image you uploaded .jpeg .png should be .pdf

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Ricardo van Steenbergen posted almost 3 years ago

I have the same problem.
Did a bit of trouble shooting.

Save on server: NO
jpeg and png work
PDF gives Parsererror

Save on server: YES
jpeg, png and PDF gives Parsererror

Please help

Attachments (1)

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gryadn posted about 3 years ago Answer

At the end of the name of the image you uploaded .jpeg .png should be .pdf

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