
Looking for a developer

Hi! I'm looking for a Fancy Product Designer expert. Please send me message, I would like to hire you!



  • Hi Leon, I'm not a designer but I am interested to think deeply for functional extending base on current practicability products. No category specified. When I face to one product I will think what I can do for ppl? What's more, I am imagining new functional whether are able to solve problem for ppl.

    I'm Chinese man, worked in one of cross-border trading/C2C private company and I responsible for New Product Development, include product design, structure and situational application. We can talk happily and creative together.



  •  Hi Leon.  I need to figure something out.   I have a product "notebook".   I can choose the layout and the "spiral" color.   When I turn the product to the back side.  I need the layout and the spiral color to be the same as in front.   How can I link the atributtes so they switch on both the front and the back when chosen.

    Thanks.  Please send me an email. I would like to hire you, I really need help :)

    [email protected]


  • Hello. Please share you mail, I can send you an email. I'm still looking for help.



  • Hi León.  How can I help you.


  • Hi Ric,

    Can I ask it here or can you send me an email: [email protected].



  • [email protected]. send me a message... my whatsapp is 52 55 63 18 09 60


  • Let me know how can I help.


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